

The ancient art of Molise weaving

That of the loom is a real art which dates back thousands of years before the Christian era. An art that is still jealously preserved in Molise, based on the use of ancient handcrafted wooden frames for the textile processing such as cotton and linen.

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Easter “cucuruozzo”: an authentic Molise recipe

Il “cucuruozzo” è un dolce pasquale tipico del Molise, realizzato ancora oggi secondo un’antica ricetta di origine contadina a base di ingredienti molto semplici: uova, farina, patate, olio, latte e zucchero. L’impasto viene poi modellato in vari modi per creare diverse forme: la classica ciambella, la “pipotta” o il cavallo. Scopri la ricetta!

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The lent “Pupatta”: an ancient Molise tradition

Have you ever heard of Lent's “Pupatta”? It is a doll dressed in black cloth made and exhibited in Molise homes during the forty days preceding Easter, as a symbol of patience and abstinence. The tradition, steeped in pagan references, is still very much alive in some Molise villages such as in Santa Croce di Magliano, where the Pupatte hanging from the balconies decorate the streets.

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