Every year the Italian Institute of Castles organizes the “National Castles Days”, a fixed event which aims to promote knowledge and enhancement of fortified architecture throughout Italy.
The 22nd edition will be on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 May 2019.
Molise, which boasts a large number of splendid castles, takes part in the event with free access, guided tours and conferences.
On Saturday 11 May there will be a congress on the castle at d’Alessandro castle of Pescolanciano (Isernia), with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities (MIBAC) and the municipality of Pescolanciano.
There are also free guided tours to the following castles:
Monforte Castle, Campobasso
D’Evoli Castle, Castropignano
Angevin Castle, Civitacampomarano
Angevin Tower, Colletorto
Castle of Gambatesa
Tower of Riccia
Castle of Termoli
Fortress of Tufara
Fortified village of Fornelli
Baronial Castle of Macchiagodena
Castle of Venafro
Di seguito il programma dettagliato delle aperture:
Brunella Muttillo