The community apiary of Castel Del Giudice was born by a network of beekeepers who were united by the passion and by the desire to valorise the internal areas and the rural traditions of Molise, decided to develop a sustainable economy based on the respect for the environment and the community work. Find out with us this project.
We are in Castel Del Giudice, a village with about 300 inhabitants in the province of Isernia, in Molise, at 800 meters of altitude. Castel Del Giudice is one of the many villages on the Molise Appennine which tries to resist to the depopulation. How? Valorising the biodiversity to trigger a sustainable tourism and, at the same time, a circuit able to offer new job opportunities and the wellness of the community.
The project of the community apiary has the aim to offer a honey which represents the territory where it is produced. “We don’t move our bees to research particular flowerings to obtain honeys monofloreal. We ask to our bees to search their habitat and to collect and carry in the beehive the entire diversity that it offers”. From here comes the multi-flower honey, an authentic and inimitable product precisely because it derives from a variety of flowers which is located only in this area of Molise.
Why choose this honey? Because it’s a honey that is the result of the work of the community and at the same time to safeguard the animal and vegetable biodiversity choosing a healthy and nutrient product and dedicated to the respect of the environment.
Under the guidance of the community apiary of Castel Del Giudice and of the bee-keeping joint group “Volape”, there has been the launch to the first course to become beekeepers. Roccavivara (a village in province of Campobasso), following the example of Castel Del Giudice, participates at the project with the belief it can set up a win-win approach for the community and the environment. The lessons are entirely online and they have the aim to transmit in a theorical and practical asset the principles regarding the management of bees and its challenges. For other information don’t hesitate to contact Luigi Di Nunzio (the municipal councilor of Roccavivara; 346331216), Angelo Minni (the mayor of Roccavivara; 339778907) or Sonia Petrarca (another referent of the project; 3791835729).
Rosa Sallustio